Hemlington Baptist Church

Pointing people to Christ

Basis of Faith

Although a local Church serving a local community here in Middlesbrough, we are affiliated to The Fellowship of Grace Baptist Churches (formerly Strict and Particular Baptist Churches.) We believe in a Triune God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, “These three are one.” (1 John 5 v7) 

We believe in a God who is eternal without beginning or end(Revelation 1 v 8); a God who both created and sustains this world (Acts 17 v 27&28). A word that we sometimes associate with our Creator God is OMNISCIENT (Literally “a God who is all knowing”) 

We believe that following the disobedience of Adam (the first created man), sin entered into a perfect world and separated man from unity and communion with his Creator. (Genesis 3 v 17 – 19) & 1 Corinthians 15 v 22)

Since Adam and Eve’s first act of disobedience, we have seen the consequences of sin each and every day of our lives; murder, violence, hatred, crime, injustice to name just a few. The Bible makes it clear that every human from the first man to this present day is tarnished with the same curse as Adam. (Romans 3 v 10 & Romans 3 v 23) 

In the Old Testament, in the days before Christ came into this world, God raised up various men and woman who pointed people back to God as the only One who could forgive sins, and bring them back into fellowship with their Creator. Some of these famous bible characters were Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Daniel, David and Jeremiah. (Isaiah 55 v6&7 & Hebrews 1 v1&2). 

We are also promised “A Saviour” in the Old Testament with many prophesies of a coming Messiah to save His people from their sins. (Isaiah 7 v14; Isaiah 9 v6; Isaiah 53; Micah 5 v2) 

We believe Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life.(2 Corinthians 5 v 21) The New Testament gospels tell us of Christ’s earthly life covering His ministry, His miracles, His compassion and His sacrificial death upon the cross of Calvary just outside of Jerusalem. We are told in the Bible that Christ did NOT die for ALL mankind but rather His death was to pay the price of those who confess their sin and claim Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. (Mark 2 v1 & John 3 v16)

We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as He both foretold (Matthew 16 v 21 & John 12 v 32)and as He was also witnessed in His resurrection form. (1 Corinthians 15 v 3-8)

As Christ ascended into heaven forty days after His resurrection (Luke 24 v51 & Acts 1 v 9) so shall He return at His second coming, the time of which we do not know “not even the Son” (Mark 13 v32) but we do know according to scripture that “every eye will see Him”(Revelation 1 v7)

The Bible tells us that there is no other name and no other means by which we can be saved from our sins (John 14 v 6; Acts 4 v12; 1 Tim 2 v 5)

Hemlington Baptist Church preaches the “Good News” of God’s infallible word and seeks to point sinners to the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Nor is there salvation found in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4  v 12)